What I’m Doing Right Now

Just wanted to let you know what I’m up to today…right now, I’m drinking my healthy bananillabutter shake that I’m siping through a straw with the glass on a jar of peanut butter singles so that I can reach it while I text about the rain that is coming out of the sky right now. I’m also unintentionally making my BFF Claire, who is eating a PB&J, laugh at my unusually normal behavior as we laugh about, recite, and totally act out a line from a cheesy movie. Yup. Nothing exciting. Just another normal day.


First Laugh

Today, Isaac laughed for the first time! Sweet little man! He’s so adorable! πŸ˜‰



Isn’t he so cute!?!?! His hands are so tiny compared to mine! And he makes the funniest faces! Lol! I love that pic of him! πŸ™‚